Ikarus Lux came after Ikarus 55 in the middle of the 60
Had a similar body but the inside was modified and the seats all faced in one direction.
Annika and Tommy took the SKV Katrineholm city bus
Other celebrities have rode on this bus too, because there are 43 seats, in addition to the driver's, conductor's and mailman's seats.
The S6 was as innovative in the bus industry of the 50’s
A ride in that bus was as comfortable as riding in a VW beetle.
Ikarus 255, which rolled out of the Magyar factory in 1979
it was at the moment the most rectangular bus out there and it was nicknamed. The Aquarium for a reason.
Setra S80 Orange, born in 1972, was a definite hotshot back in the day.
Not everyone was allowed on board, because it was the smallest member of the trendy large-windowed Setra bus series.
Some people have only two lives, but this bus has had the chance to be reborn four times.
Each time the bus has gained a feature and so by today the model is called TA 6-1.
When Stalin was everywhere, then he literally was everywhere
Even on the nose of the first Soviet intercity express bus ZIS 127 – an acronym of Zavod Imeni Stalina (Factory named for Stalin)
The only beautiful thing that happened in 1965 year was the Ikarus 55-52
that rolled out from a factory in Hungary. If there is one truly beautiful bus in the world then it must be this Ikarus.
Latvians have given us two great things – song festival in Jurmala and a little bus to get there.
Engineers at Jelgava came up with the genius idea to combine the two and produce a route taxi (a minibus) with 11 seats
This bus is the bus of all buses, but most people do not even know that it is a bus.
Most buses rolling around in Nordic countries are Carruses.
In 1938, our planet was already inhabited by people
since people have a terrible need to interact with each other, the oldest green bus is still the most suitable communication channel.
Setra S80 Blue, born in 1976, was a definite hotshot back in the day.
Not everyone was allowed on board, because it was the smallest member of the trendy large-windowed Setra bus series.
The Mercedes Benz O303-15RHD with its 45 seats seems like a regular bus today.
German tourists were travelling around in an air-conditioned bus with two colour TV's, WC and a sink, a refrigerator and a coffee machine.
This is the bus that has the most legends to tell. It has a wooden frame, and slightly rusty metal skin held in place with screws.
The screws are not really screwed in, more like hammered in, but that’s what makes this bus a true artwork.